Is there a future in acting? Give me some time to think that one over. It has several aspects.
Firstly, I suppose, is there a future in acting in general? With the advent of digital technologies, the entire concept of acting is changing. What about that old actor: Max Headroom? Crude at the time, Max presaged a future of acting where human characters would not depicted by real humans on the screen at all. These weren't mere cartoon characters; they started to take on more human attributes. Soon they may be indistinguishable from their human counterparts.
Oh, but there are still voices and personality to give life to the characters, you may say. Who is Shrek without his voice? But voices, too, can now be wholly digital; and I am not talking merely about the voice of Steven Hawking. Augmentative speech devices are being used for many more individuals than Hawking alone; and the same technologies are being used in film as well. And these artificial voices are becoming fully more human-like.
The Screen Actors Guild, debating whether to strike on this cold winter afternoon in January, confronts these issues; as well as the simple issue of payment when an actor's work is delivered in new formats, YouTube being not the least--or most--of these.
Well, to that add: Is there a future in acting in Cleveland? Now there's a good topic. Some think that Cleveland has all the resources and talent; and all that needs to be added to the mix is tax credits! I'm all for more acting opportunities in Cleveland and surrounding areas; but doubt that tax credits are the answer. I won't make friends with that assertion, that's for sure.
Finally, there is the question: Is there a future for acting for me: Logan Fry? I should probably stick to that simple question, something I know a little about: at least from a very personal perspective.
So I'll use this blog to explore that question, with errant observations on other matters along the way.
The question for now is: Where's Julio?